Make Sure Your Profile Gets Seen by Recruiters: 6 Ways to Optimise Your CV for Algorithms

Un candidato responde a las preguntas de las entrevistadoras.

Once a company puts up a job offer, the enormous amount of CVs they receive puts recruiters on edge. They will have to analyse a large number of profiles in a limited time. That’s why, many companies have already chosen to use software in order to carry out an initial filtering. This tool automatically eliminates candidates that don’t comply with the established characteristics that companies set.

The algorithms’ job is to analyse each CV, based on aspects related to keywords and/or the structure of the document. In this way, they can check whether candidates meet the essential characteristics that the offer requires.

What Do Algorithms Look For?

We know what their function is but, what do they focus on? In the first place, employers will have to train the algorithm through criteria and data linked to the activities of the job vacancy. They can take different things into account, like how long the applicants have been not working or specific skills needed for the position.

The criteria that companies can select are infinite and we will never know for sure what to include. However, the job description will give us some clues that can be very helpful.

Biases… Are They Beneficial?

These algorithms also present limitations and can display biases which could immediately dismiss certain candidates. AI is not neutral. Algorithms are created by human beings and, therefore, they are full of unconsciously introduced preconceptions and ideas from their creators. This can lead to situations in which the algorithms carry out an unfair and biassed selection. For that reason, it’s important to train the algorithms using unbiased data.

However, some experts and specialists on selection and AI consider that it helps reduce gender bias. But, mostly, it helps make the process more agile. In the end, it will always depend on who trains those algorithms.

How to Pass the First Stage?

In order to pass these filters and the first stage of the selection process, we advise you to take into account the following steps when creating your CV.

But remember! You can’t use the same CV for every offer. The first thing you have to do is to adapt your CV and its content according to the tasks that each offer demands.

  • Keywords Keywords are essential to pass the first filter. The first thing you must do is go to the publication of the job offer and focus on the job description: functions, competencies or experience. Add all those to your CV with straightforward and brief sentences. In this way, the tool will understand it better. But, be careful! Don’t overuse them and try to use them in context.
  • Typography. Don’t use typographies that are too modern or illegible. Prioritise the most emblematic ones, like Garamond, Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. In this way, you will make sure the software will understand every word.
  • Format. The algorithm will also take into account the format and design of your CV. Don’t use tables, graphics or images. They make it harder for the algorithm to read the document. Also, make sure you send it in PDF format.
  • Structure. Use simple structures. Introduce titles and simple text using different sizes to establish an order. We recommend you structure it all in one column.
  • Quantify your achievements. When talking about your achievements, be specific. Don’t generalise nor use redundant phrases. For example, instead of saying “I lead team X”, write: “We carried out project X, where I managed a team of X amount of people and we achieved…” or “I managed to achieve 50% of the goals”. Introduce specific numbers.
  • Links to other jobs or your portfolio. Algorithms can positively value including links to other jobs. In this way, you can expand information and give context.

Summing up, if the algorithm is trained correctly, its role can be quite advantageous in selection processes. However, if you don’t manage to get past it, don’t forget that this functionality won’t determine your capacities and aptitudes.

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