Applying Scrum Methodology at Work: The Leading Technique for Changing Work Environments

Un equipo de trabajadores se anima haciendo un círculo.

Managing a project and organising the corresponding teams is the most complicated aspect of business life. A leader has to optimise resources, manage the timings, coordinate teams, assign tasks and, also, achieve financial profitability.

There are many work methodologies and each of them adapts to the needs that each company requires. But, if we want to achieve short-term results, we must adopt the methodology known as Scrum

Scrum methodology is part of the Agile framework, but it has its differences. This technique is mostly used for more complex projects that are carried out in a dynamic and changing environment.  Flexibility is key.

In fact, many of the most famous companies in the world use this methodology for their work system. Among the most popular ones to use Scrum are Apple, Google and Amazon.

Others, like Spotify (a pioneer in the field), reinterpret Scrum their own way. The music streaming platform works in a very peculiar way: they develop their own work system based on the feedback they get after applying this work methodology and after taking into account the experience of their employees. They establish a set of rules that they later modify for each stage of development, without establishing any defined roles. This makes it possible to adapt quickly and reduce risk, since every worker can change responsibilities, not conforming to one position. 

Scrum Methodology — Actors and Functionalities

Scrum is an agile framework for product development that, although it’s mainly used for software development, can also be applied to any type of project. Scrum methodology is based on an iterative and incremental approach in which a team works on small iterations known as “sprints” in order to develop a product in an incremental manner. 

Within Scrum, the team is divided into three key roles:

  • Product Owner: In charge of maximising the product’s value. They represent and express the voice of the client during the whole process. They understand the client’s needs.
  • Scrum Master: Responsible for making sure that everyone in the team understands and executes the plan correctly sticking to the Scrum methodology.
  • Equipo de desarrollo: They carry out tasks prioritised by the Product Owner and sent to the Scrum Master. It must be a multifunctional and self-organised team.

One of its most relevant characteristics is how it focuses on constant submissions. Instead of planning and developing the whole product at once, the team focuses on continuously delivering value increments. This allows them to adapt and respond with agility to changes in product requirements and in the market.


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Another key characteristic is continuous feedback. The team meets every day for the “daily stand-up”, to inform on progress and obstacles. This allows for synchronisation and quick problem solving. 

At the end of each sprint, the team carries out a revision and plans the next one, establishing the tasks that will be taken on in the next stage and elaborating a detailed plan to accomplish them. 

The foundations of this methodology are the following:Planning the Iteration: At the beginning of each iteration —or sprint—, the team gets together in order to plan the functionalities that will be implemented.

  1. Daily Stand-Up: Each day, the team meets in order to discuss the progress made on the previous day and what’s expected for the day ahead.
  2. SCRUM Board: The team uses the Scrum board —that can be physical or on-line— to visualise the sprint’s progress. The board includes columns for tasks that are pending, in progress and completed. Asana is a good example of a tool that can help you apply this methodology. 
  3. Sprint Revision: At the end of each stage, the team meets in order to go over what’s been completed and to make a presentation of their work to those interested. 
  4. Sprint Retrospective: After the revision is complete, it’s time to make notes including all sorts of details: what has gone right, what can be improved and what has been adequately finished. 

Benefits and Challenges of Scrum

Teamwork is the central value of Scrum. Every actor is important during the development of a process and everyone must be in harmony, in sync and pulling together. It’s a model based on self-discipline, which means that the work done will have a positive or negative effect on the responsibility of each employee. 

Another positive aspect of Scrum is the transparency of the project and the control you have over it, which lets you have a better organisation. Also, clients can do an up-to-date follow up on the product, which helps minimise risk.

The most important aspect is that it takes less time to develop a product, since any eventuality can be efficiently corrected, improving economic profitability.

Despite all the benefits that Scrum methodology has to offer, we must bear in mind that it’s a different work technique, which means there’s going to be redistribution and a cultural change in the company’s organisation. Still, it’s a work model that is easy to learn and implement. Another of the challenges to bear in mind is the correct selection of the team, since everyone will have a lot of autonomy, which means higher individual responsibilities. 

Working on changing environments —especially digital ones— has opened the game for new working methods for developing a company’s products and services in an optimum way. Scrum methodology offers numerous advantages, especially in those markets in which flexibility is predominant.

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