6 Events to Develop Your Professional Skills in Barcelona

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September marks a fresh start – a time to ignite creativity and cultivate new skills. As summer gives way to autumn, it’s the perfect moment to reinvigorate our minds.

Staying current, staying in the loop with the latest happenings and expanding our professional network are crucial as we embark on this new journey. That’s why we’ve uncovered 6 events with a wide range of topics for you to continue networking, stay informed about emerging trends and explore fresh ideas.

6 networking and skill development events as we get back from the summer break

Networking Women’s Breakfast: Kickstart the return to routine surrounded by entrepreneurs, leaders and businesswomen.

Returning to your daily routine becomes easier when surrounded by inspiring people. In this networking group for female entrepreneurs, you’ll connect with fellow professionals while participating in a quick and engaging finance talk led by a financial coach. And that’s not all… Not only will you leave with your mind full of new insights, but you’ll also leave with a belly full of breakfast. Learn more about this networking event here.

Breakfast will be held at 6 Luis Antúnez Street on Wednesday, September 13th, at 11:00 AM.


Financial health workshop: Innovative ways to organize your finances

At The Switch, we aimed to provide you with some valuable financial insights. However, what could be a more effective way to enhance your financial skills than by attending an event designed to help you build a solid financial foundation? If your goal for this upcoming school year is to better understand and, most importantly, organize your finances, then this event is the ideal choice. Through this workshop, you’ll be able to address all the questions and concerns that have been on your mind for some time.

You can schedule an appointment in your calendar for September 14th at 7:45 p.m. The location is at 118 Roger de Llúria Street.

Piezas de ajedrez.

Master in Project Management

It’s an eminently practical master’s degree that uses the latest generation of software in order to simulate areas and processes related to management.

More info

Session 1. Introduction to dividend investing: Learn how the stock market works

“Nobody is born with all the knowledge” – this is a profound truth. That’s why, in this upcoming workshop, you’ll have the chance to gain not only valuable networking opportunities but also fundamental insights into dividend investing. 

The talk will be divided into various segments in which you’ll discover that a solid strategy often outweighs the need for a substantial initial investment. Also, our organizer, Xavi, will share his personal experiences and journey in this field. You can find event information and details on the Meetup webpage.

The event will take place at Hotel Seventy Barcelona on September 27th at 8:00 PM.


Weekly Barcelona Digital Nomads Meetup [XVII17 Bar]: A weekly meeting to connect with other international entrepreneurs

International, vibrant, coworking, networking… In this weekly gathering, you’ll get to meet other entrepreneurs and digital nomads who are eager to share their experiences with you. It’s a chance to gain fresh perspectives and possibly make new connections that could turn into lasting friendships. The event is conveniently located near Plaza Catalunya, and they offer various ways to get in touch with them. Find out more about this Weekly Barcelona Digital Nomads Meetup on their website.

Held every Wednesday throughout the year.

Brújula sobre una mesa.


This programme combines an international and multidisciplinary approach with the development of skills that are essential for success, as well as tools for self-assessment and the planification of your professional life project and your goals.

Más información

WomenTech MeetUp: a session for international women entrepreneurs in Barcelona organized by the female talent incubator

Seeking to champion female talent in the tech sphere, this event in Barcelona places a spotlight on the success stories of various women. Through a series of engaging presentations, attendees can discover new role models and potentially stumble upon innovative projects that can empower or ignite inspiration. The topics covered range from female leadership and impostor syndrome to cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset and embracing digital transformation.

The event takes place on September 28th, and you can find information and registration details for this WomenTech MeetUp on the Eventbrite website or app.


Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Sector: join this event to discover more about its application in in the field

Uncovering the full potential of Artificial Intelligence is a long-term endeavor. However, we now witness some convenient applications, particularly in the healthcare sector. Generative Artificial Intelligence is making its mark in this field and holds promise as a significant asset for healthcare companies in the future. Programa Salut/IA organizes this event in collaboration with Fundació TIC Salut Social.

The event will be held at the Auditorium of the Department of Health (Travessera de les Corts, 131-159, Pavelló Ave Maria, Barcelona) on September 13th.

Don’t forget to explore more exciting events on Meetup and Eventbrite to continue expanding your network and engaging in various activities. Connecting with new individuals, discovering fresh projects, and building valuable contacts can benefit you, your entrepreneurial journey, and your business significantly.

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